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This comprehensive selection of videos and pictorial tutorials will show you how to get the most out of EzyAnalyser V6.



No Data Available
When you open EzyAnalyser 7 and the following message appears:

EzyAnalyser 7: No data available

Missing Exchanges
When using the Exchange Filter to select candidates, the Exchange drop-down box doesn't display all of the exchanges you should have access to.

EzyAnalyser 7: Missing Exchange Data

Limited Data Available
When you select all equities from the Australian Securities Exchange but you are only getting 200 displayed in the Candidate List and the data is not up-to-date.

EzyAnalyser 7: Trial Data only


No Data Available
You haven't created an EzyChart 7 database. EzyAnalyser 7 uses the UltraEzy format. You can create an UltraEzy database by either manually importing data into EzyChart 7; loading historical data or downloading with an annual Bodhi5 subscription from JustData.

Missing Exchanges
When creating your database you haven't specified an exchange when importing data or if you're a JustData Bodhi5 user you haven't selected all the products you are subscribed to.

Limited Data Available
You have been trialing the software and have loaded the trial data. The trial data only contains 3-years of Australian Stock Exchange equities that make up the S&P/ASX 200 index.

    No Data Available
  1. Import Data into EzyChart 7: you do this by clicking on the Import File button located in the External Source section of the Data tab.

    EzyChart 7: Import Data

    For more information on using this feature click on the button on the Import Stocks screen.

    EzyChart 7: Help Files

  2. Load Historical Data: by installing it from your Bodhi History CD-ROM or USB. For more information, click here.
  3. Do a Catchup with Bodhi5: by opening the software, connecting to the Internet and clicking the Catchup button. If you haven't installed or configured the software for the UltraEzy format, refer to this link.

    Missing Exchanges
  1. Import Data: when doing this make sure you enter a unique Exchange Code.

    EzyChart 7: Import Data with an Exchange codes

    For more information on importing data into EzyChart 7 click on the button on the screen.
  2. Bodhi5 Exchanges: need to be selected from the Bodhi5 Product Lists and turned on before you can download to a database.

    Bodhi5: Product List

    For more information on selecting exchanges in Bodhi5, click here.

    Limited Data
  1. Trial User: if you would prefer to trial the software using the current 6-months of data on an entire exchange, contact JustData and ask to trial EzyAnalyser 7 with Bodhi5.
  2. New Users: need to uninstall the trial data and either create a database from their import data or install the JustData historical data cd/usb.