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This comprehensive selection of videos and pictorial tutorials will show you how to get the most out of EzyChart V6.

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EzyChart 7 gives you the choice of opening an individual chart or a group of charts. Individual charts open in individual tabs allowing you to add specific indicators; drawing tools and notes to your charts. Group charts open a group of charts in one tab so when you add indicators; drawing tools and notes these are added to all the charts in your group.

    To open an individual chart, do the following:
  1. Open EzyChart 7 from the icon on your desktop. If this is the first time you've opened EzyChart then the software will create a new blank Workspace displaying the Stock Selection Docker window. If you've used this software before then the last workspace you had opened will be shown.

    EzyChart: New Workspace

  2. The Stock Selection Docker gives the user the ability to open individual stocks or groups of stocks. The top part of this window categorises your entire database into Markets; Groups, Security Types or Sectors. It works like a filter making only the stocks categorised in that group visible in the table below. You can choose to add an entire group by highlighting it in this filter tree then clicking the New Group button or you can select individual symbols from the stocks filtered into the table.

    EzyChart: Stock Selection Docker

  3. Select a symbol from the table and either double-click on it or click the Open Chart button. The chart will open in a new tab on your workspace.

    EzyChart: Open Chart

  4. You can now choose to add more charts to your workspace or even append charts to the same tab - making a group. You can also select another chart and overlay it onto the one you've just opened. This is all achieved using the Stock Selection Docker as above but choosing a different option from the drop-down button.

    EzyChart: Chart buttons